Thursday, April 18, 2013

Only The Positive People

Today I have my latest rant for you about unsupportive people. I have no place in my life for people who are trying to drag me down. I want positive people in my life and the people who are not, are being CUT!!!

"What got Brandy fired up?", you may ask.

Well, let me tell you!

My ex-husband called to speak with our son.  After they spoke, I chatted with him. I tried to share a few possible work directions I have going on in an attempt to be nice and social for my son's sake. For those of you who don't know me, I've been working from home for the past 3 years in Second Life and online.

As I was telling the ex about these work things he says,"You will do anything to not get a real job!"

A real job?!?! Like working from home is not a real job because I define my own schedule and don't have to punch a clock. Even more important to me is that I get to be here for my kids! Self employment isn't for everyone, but it works perfectly in my life.

 I hung up on him.

There have been other people in my life that have only served to drag me down too. I'm over it...those people are no longer welcome in my world. I'm the a supportive friend to people but it is very important that I feel supported by them too. Relationships should be give and take...not give give give till it hurts. The sort of people who never give back are just emotional vampires.

So from now on, only positive relationships for me. I'm not saying my friends have to be happy and cheery all the time, I know people have ups and downs and I will be there to support them. I just expect it to be a two way street. It's time for a spring cleaning! I'm not saying just dump people, but examine the relationship and see if it is one that is really healthy for you.

Having positive people in your life will make your days better. Period.

I have a few amazing supportive people in my life. They add so much richness to my day. Most of all my best friend, Seth. I've said it before but he is always there for me and I will always be there for him. Good and bad ... because that is real friendship.

He wrote this great song about friendship and being there for people.


  1. hugs you, Brandy. Sometimes its about what we will and won't allow to frustrate or hurt us, too. I have learned that some smack for the reaction.. for whatever reason.. they .. apparently need the reaction.. need to belittle and put down. I like to challenge myself not to give it to them or maybe to turn it on them. Maybe to the ex-husband.. "yeah.. I really HAVE worked hard to provide the best situation for MY kids. Sometimes this job does take a lot of hours, but it's worth it. I realize not EVERYONE is able to be self-employed, we are sure glad that I am. THANK YOU for noticing.. it's always nice when people recognize how hard I work to make things perfect for the ones I love. .. gotta run.. duties call!"

    By the way, I think you're pretty on top, Brandy. You give projects your all and from what I've seen, don't slow down until the work is 'well' done.

  2. Well said Brandy!!!! I totally agree with you on this one. I did the same a long time back and had to remove some people from my life who did not understand why they were so negative to be around. Often people don't seem to know they are taking so much from you. Cutting those connections can be hard, but after a time the sense of them not being around is so clear. You really do feel as if a chain as been removed from you. Life is way to short to carry people who want a negative experience from this short time we have on earth. Cut free and watch your life change for the better.
