What is SLoupon?
SLoupon Join/Info Kiosk |
By joining, you will be entitled to discounts of up to 50% and more on many products and services. Make sure to get your friends and family in on the savings too by having them join too!
To take full advantage of SLouponing, you'll need to join the inworld "SLoupon Group" by visiting one of the SLoupon Kiosks and joining. After you've become a SLoupon member, you may also register on the website to stay on top of all current deals, join the Forums, create your own Profile, network with other SLouponers, get a list of all participating merchants and more.
SLoupon currently has over 40 participating merchants including Gizza Creations, Paris Metro Couture, MEB, Tres Beau, Alice Project, Xclusives Animation, PipSqueeks, KO Textures and many more!
SLoupon membership will not be $L2500 or some high amount. Considering the state of the global economy, we've decided to make it easily affordable for even the newest of noobs and it will only be $L350 per month, which can quickly be recouped on one or two SLoupon purchases.
SLoupon was created by Seth Regan and myself (Mankind Tracer & Kalli Birman in SL). We will offer great deals for residents and at the same time, provide stores more exposure to the SL populous.
If you are interested in becoming a SLoupon Merchant please go to this link:
SLoupon Merchant Information
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